Thursday, September 6, 2007

At the mall...dare we even go?

Ok, here is my disclaimer! I have been a little nervous to post this picture because I didn't want anyone getting the wrong impression but the result of this was too cute not to post. Reed & I were at the mall today basically wasting time since I am Stewart less this weekend and well, my little girls love listening and dancing to the loud music at Abercrombie & Fitch and before I knew it Ryleigh was running over to this giant picture of this poor kids belly and yelled out "BELLY BUTTON", of course everyone and there dog were walking by.

Reed turned bright red and coincidentally we grabbed the girls and pretty much ran the opposite direction. Poor Ryleigh is infatuated with belly buttons since mine has become an outy with this pregnancy. Honestly, you never know what these innocent children will do.


Leah and Mike said...

That's hilarious. I love that kids just point out the obvious. At least it wasn't a real person walking around with their belly out. Which I'm sure will happen as well.
I saw your baby shower announcement on your friend's link, you look so cute. Those are great photos. See you soon.


Meg and Jeremy said...

Hey I found your blog through a series of random acts. I am not even sure if I know how I got here, but it's cool. You'll have to let me in on all the secrets of blogging. I haven't figured much out yet. Hope you have a good weekend, even without Stew. I feel your pain since Jeremy abandoned me for Stew and the guys. Well, take care and keep in touch.