Thursday, September 20, 2007

Baby Arrival Contest

Well I am absolutely going out of my mind, ready to have this baby and well as he keeps wanting to make a grand entrance he is just putting me through agonizing pain and grief. But, man I am excited to see him! So I am putting together contest/poll of every one's Due Date guesses. Whoever wins will get to come along with me to enjoy my favorite craving during this pregnancy. I am sure you are getting excited to WIN and find out what this craving is. I wont leave you in is a nice tall Styrofoam cup of "Grade A" Sonic Ice. So, don't hold back let me know what you think I will post it and we will have the redeeming of ice soon!


Jen and Bryan said...

I am going to say the 26th... It gives you a little longer but not all the way to the due date. And I LOVED Sonic Ice while I was preggers. No one was allowed to eat it when I would bring a bag home. One time I went and they were OUT! I almost jumped my fat pregnant booty through that window and strangled that dumb high schooler. HOW CAN SONIC BE OUT OF ICE?!?!?!?!? Can you tell that I am still a little annoyed with the whole thing. Nothing better in this world can be achieved for only $1.61. Gotta love it! :)

Jen and Bryan said...

ok, you win with the nail polish... what a turkey! haha! (funny because it was your kid, not mine!) :)

Meg and Jeremy said...

Ok Traci you might hate me for this, but I am going to say the 4th. Hope for your sake that I am wrong.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Traci but I have to guess October 5th just because its my birthday.

Anonymous said...

uncle Reed says.....humm september 25th late at night.. hahha

Leah and Mike said...

I'm going to guess Oct. 3rd, it just has a nice ring to it. Then you're home in time for Conference as a family. I am so excited for you. Call us when it happens.


Maren said...

im saying you will be 2 days late and go on the 8th! hehe