Monday, January 14, 2008

When Life Hands You Skittles

So today Stewy starts school again to finish up before applying to Physical Therapy School this year end. As I'm sure many of you can sympathize, he was a little anxious to go back. Ashlyn had come in as we were talking about it and I asked her if she was scared on her first day of school. She said yes I was scared, so I asked her if she could tell Daddy what made her feel better and what he could do to help himself not be nervous. She said:

1. Raise your Hand!

2. Cross your legs like this!

(her preschool sits Indian-style for the morning song and hellos for the day)

3. Do your Homework and you will get a skittle!

Its okay!

Her excitement for Daddy to go to school and her innocence I think gave him a little boost of confidence. I thought it was so sweet how she bravely told him her fears and how she overcame them.


Meg and Jeremy said...

Oh that is so cute. Good luck to Stew in school, I hope you get s skittle for doing your homework.

The Moss Family said...

That is too cute! Your oldest in the pictures of your heels on I think looks alot like your mom!

Leah and Mike said...

That's so sweet!!! The last year huh? Awesome.