Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Shara's Baby Shower


Schomaker's said...

K so that picture is halarious the one R drew, can you tell me who is who... oh let me guess :) no really I need an interpretation!

The Giles Files said...

Hi, this is Sheri (Sadler)
Okay, so I found your blog through Corie's. I can't believe how time flies! I can still remember when you sang at our wedding reception. (wow, that was a long time ago - now I feel so...old!)I just set up a blog - check it out when you have the time. It's not much, but I'm just getting started.

Kelly said...

So, I think you called on Monday and I wish I had known! I got the flu and was laying on my couch thinking I should see if you could let Ami play a little while...but i didn't want to call and ask! woops. we will have to get them together next week. Hope oyu enjoy having family in town.

LuAnne said...

Shara looks great! When is her baby due?